Bognor Regis

Appologies for the fact that the days are out of order. I had a problem when posting at the same time and I can't seem to fix it... Oh well, you will just have to use the days in the heading to understand where we are and when...

Day 19 – Sussex.

October 19 – Lucy and Dad explore the seaside

Weather – cool start, mostly clear, overcast at times, windy by the sea, light rain at sunset.

Our final full day in the UK was again a pretty relaxed day. Katie didn’t sleep well and her back has been playing up, so Lucy and I let her sleep in while we played in the woods again, collected eggs and fed the chickens. We decided we needed some supplies for the day and we wanted to go for a drive. So we hopped in the car and drove a little down the road to Pulborough which is the closet town with a supermarket. By the time we got back, Katie was up and we cooked up our breakfast which included the fresh eggs and the left over local bacon and sausages. A hearty start to the day. Unfortunately Katie was pretty stuffed and didn’t want to risk her back any further given we had a big plan trip tomorrow. So Lucy and I decided to go adventuring down to the coast, while Katie stayed home to recover. By this stage it was around midday, and the sun was shining and it was a lovely warm temperature. Our random drive took us to the town of Bognor Regis, mostly because we thought the name was funny. Before we hit the beach we stopped at Hotham park and had some fun on the adventure play ground – more ziplining, and swinging, and then a stroll through the very lovely gardens, with an ice cream just to cool us down.

Next stop was the beach itself, and the promenade at Bognor Regis. The beach – if you can call it that, is all pebbles, although I read there was some sand around at low tide… the promenade reminded me of many a beach town in the off season. It had the feel of a bit of a ghost town as many of the little shops and stands along the beach were closed for the season. 

We probably missed it by a month I’d imagine. It was, nonetheless, a lovely stroll, very windy, but warm enough that we didn’t care. There was another playground where Lucy could play with other Kids and we stopped at a cafĂ© just in time to order some late lunch before closing. I ordered a BLT, which was pretty average, and Lucy got the pancakes – which she was pleased with. I did order some tea, and they don’t mess about here – it was very strong. This is the kind I used to joke about with my colleague from the UK, Jacqui, as when we were on camp she would make very strong tea to help us stay up and supervise the students…

Anyway, once we finished up at the beach we drove back up through the southern downs area, a very beautiful place, just a nice place for a drive in the countryside. We stopped at another local farm shop, this time just to pick up some of the local beef for dinner. I fired up the charcoal grill when I got home and we had a couple of local dry aged ribeyes cooked over charcoal. A lovely meal to end the trip. It did rain a little though, so we ate inside.
