Discovery Cove

Day 26-28 –  October 26-28 – The Beach, Discovery Cove

Weather – We got some rain – but it’s still warm – most days sunny

Ok – so probably a good time for an update. We’re starting to settle into a routine here – I like to get up and watch the sunrise – often with Lucy. Katie is working from home – so her hours are 2pm to 10pm, so not conducive to getting up at the crack of dawn… We typically hit the beach, and then have a swim, hang out with Wiley and Chi, have more swims – it’s a tough life. If Rusty’s not working, we will probably all go to the beach. Maybe do dinner together - So that’s pretty much a day in the life for us for the next few weeks. I think this is going to be a pretty cool spot for a few weeks. So, that’s the backdrop to the next few weeks – if I’m not blogging as much as I was, well, I’m probably just at the beach.

I will go over the last few days though, as we’ve done a few things that are a bit exciting – and then we have Halloween coming up as well, so I would expect we’ll be doing bit more than the beach life these next few.

Gpa and Lucy 

Anyway, yesterday was one of those days that was a bit exciting – and by that, I mean absolutely amazing. We had stayed over at Kathy and Mac’s on Thursday night as we had an early start to make it down to Orlando at 7am. Kathy had booked Discovery Cove – it’s part of Sea World. It’s an amazing resort style park, which I had never heard of, but will be suggesting to anyone who comes to this part of the world. We started with check in at 7am – it felt like we were checking in to a 5 star hotel – which in some ways you are. 

There wasn’t the huge crowds and crazy energy of a typical theme park. Instead – there was a relaxed vibe, and we later found out – about 1500 park guest that day. To start, they direct you to breakfast – a buffet style affair – although they serve you, you have to line up and ask for what you want. You sit outside – the staff there are really on to it – so there is never a dirty table or tray laying around. The food was ok – plentiful and fresh. Once done with food, we went back to guest services as we had a cabana booked – Kathy had splashed out on the VIP treatment – so we had a private cabana, with a fridge and snack bar – all unlimited – with beer and wine and premade cocktails in cans included and a private concierge who looked after us all day. 

Our cabana overlooked the lazy river and opened on to the beach area of another big pool, complete with waterfall and the entrance to the beginning of the lazy river – which you can get a pool noodle and float down and around. The swimming areas don’t open until 9am, so we went and got our gear and explored the park. The landscaping is amazing, and the pools are just incredible. There’s an aviary and marmoset island area – everyone decided to go and explore these – however not being a bird enthusiast, I decided instead to do a lap of the park and check everything out. There are three “pool” areas – although calling them pools doesn’t really describe them. The first pool/water area is the lazy river, heated to 80F I think – so it’s warm. This area includes (and I should say all of the following are accessible from the river) the aviary, the sea otters, the swim up seated area for drinks, waterfalls, a marmoset monkey island, a bar with slushy machines, and tap beers and cocktails. Changerooms, a beach with 100’s of lounges and umbrellas (You would be very comfortable even without a cabana). This was the area we were closest to and where we spend most of our time. By the way, all the food and drink was included and unlimited. Our concierge – Eddy – who’s favourite phrase was, don’t worry, I gotcha - and he always did – he was amazing. If we wanted more beer in the fridge, then he’d stock it was a selection of beers. If we wanted pizza, it was there on the table. Towels, gear, anything. The only thing that was not included was the premium drinks – so bartender made cocktails and tap beers. Katie and I upgraded – so that in the afternoon we could responsibly enjoy some margaritas in the pool or the cabana.

The second pool is really three big pools – where you have three pods of dolphins. This is where we would later do our dolphin experience. The water here is much colder and you have to wear at least a wetsuit vest. All the gear is included. These pools are located in the central area, and are just opposite the main restaurant - the Laguna Grill, where we would also have lunch.

Then the final pool is the grand reef – here you have a range of man-made coral reefs, all the fish and rays, a closed off area with sharks – which you can see, you just can’t go in unless you book a swim with the sharks experience. This pool is warm – I think high 70’s. And it’s huge, the depth varies from kneed depth to a few meters. This is you snorkelling area really. Next to this pool is another bar, a pizza stand and ice-cream vending machine and another gear station. And different types of cabanas and 100’s of lounges – there were plenty spare.

Our day was just simply one of the best experiences I’ve had. The product they provide is really well implemented, there were no issues at any stage, they have 100’s of staff, all busily working away, 100’s of life guards all doing their best Zac Effron impersonations with mirrored sunglasses, red short shorts and tank tops. The girls were similarly attired - although they did know their stuff – as I saw a couple of rescues of some English tourists (They were everywhere – the English that is).

Highlights for me were the Cabana experience – we had more than enough room for all of us to hang out – although we didn’t really spend much time here until the afternoon – where we had a few cocktails and just relaxed. The Dolphin experience was amazing – Lucy’s little mind was blown – but then I should say so was mine! Being pulled along by a dolphin in the water was something I just can’t do justice with words – unbelievable. And the Grand reef was an amazing spectacle. Like swimming in a giant aquarium. We got to actually touch the stingrays, dive down through schools of fish…. Honestly amazing – Lucy was always pointing and trying to yell out with her snorkel in! This was the next best thing beside being out on an actual reef. I’ve done the Great Barrier reef, coral reefs out of Key West and cold water reefs – and honestly, this was still amazing, and without any effort.

I guess that’s probably how I’d sum up the day – it was effortless – everything was great, everything was easy, the only time we had to wait was in line for Lunch, but that wasn’t long. The service was amazing – you didn’t even have to wait at the bar if you had to go there. Yes the condo experience was extra special – but I still think it would be amazing, if you went for a more budget friendly option. At no stage did I feel as though they were out to fleece you of more money while on site. The shops there were actually just really selling things you would need or want at a resort. Which was actually a bit disappointing for me as I want to get some trashy merch. I ended up getting a tasteful, discovery cover branded hat. Massive thanks to Kathy for organising this. It was so special to share that with them and with Lucy – no doubts she will remember this for the rest of her life.


  1. You guys are having waaaaaay tooooooo much fun!

    1. Yeah, I could use a couple of quite days just by the pool...

  2. It's been great. I've been doing a fair bit of cooking and home schooling... So it's not all beer and skittles! Well, it's mostly beer and skittles are the moment.


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